In 14 years and 350+ nights of tarp use in ID desert, alpine west, S. Cal desert, Sierra's, Winds, Colorado CDT, Pyreenes, French Alps, AT thru-hike, PCT thru-hike, etc. I've had 2 or 3 individual ants crawl over me. None considered biting me.
Just don't camp on top of a hill and you will be OK.


Amtrak, individual body chemistry accounts for a large part of attracting insects. Look at me, for example. If there are no mosquitos in a state park, by the time I get there, they are all buzzing around me. I simply have an attractive chemistry, if there are mosquitos, they will find me. Hence I would never consider camping outside of an enclosed tent.

In Michigan, where I live, we don't have the same species of fire ants the south does, but we do have red and black ants that sting, since we had a nest of them in our backyard when growing up. So, technically, we do not have "southern fire ants" in Michigan, but we do have ants that sting and bite, but they are not common.

I have never seen those stinging ants in Michigan since.