One other thing to try....and should generate a bunch of controversy here, your socks.
A few years ago, I was an avid thick sock wearer, Thorlo (?), was my sock of choice. Still fought blisters but I was convinced it wasn't the socks....until....I applied the same thinking I use with ski boots, really thin socks.
I now wear the thinnest, cheapest nylon socks I can find, from Walmart. Puritan is the brand, about $2 a pair.
Going thin did two things...
1) my feet sweated less
2) cut pack weight

I can even double up a pair and still be thinner than what most folks call "hiking socks".

So, thin socks, and Bodyglide have eliminated hotspots and blister woes, period.

Phat is right, check that shoe size and wear the socks you are likely to hike in at the fitting. If not already, try some super thin ones.
paul, texas KD5IVP