I can't say if it is. But beware of the Cohlgans brand or Stand Sport brand they are significantly less in heat output and burn time the genuine ESBIT. You want what is produced by AGS Labs or equvialnt. MPI used to distribute esbit but I can no longer find it on there website, and that is about the same time the AGS came into the scene...hmmmmmmmm what a ko-winky-dink. As per Phat's post on the second option in the orange box, it looks just like my "american bought esbit" but it is not made in china. The only true Esbit comes from the orignator of it and that is Germany (also pervayers of the finest cars) ...So look for the "made in germany" logo. Mine also says solid fuel tabs as well. Down here it can be found in most outdoor stores and also any miltary surplus store. Hope this helps

PS I found the MPI Website
I miss my 4.8lb base weight as a ground dweller. But I sure don't miss the ground.