
I bought FireLite in bulk from BPL's online store. I prefer FireLite B/C it seems to heat my water faster than ESBIT.

As of now I am using the last of my ESBIT to heat my dayhike lunches while others munch on cold food.

But, in any case, I am now a confirmed fuel tablet user and will not be using my alcohol stove(s) again. Tabs are hotter, more convenient and even safer than alcohol. They just lack teh pretty blue flames of alcohol.

P.S As stated in other threads I'm waiting for an enclosed, self-pressurizing stove fueled by "de-tuned solid rocket fuel" to come along. Some "Gyro Gearloose" folks out there need to begin tinkering on that idea.

Of dourse MSR is still working out the bugs on a Diesel/JP4 fueled "cappillary stove" for the U.S. military. Could we stand the smell?
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