Jimmy, says:

"Theres nothing wrong with lacking money, knowledge, or common sense as long as you don't claim that your opinion is just as good as those who do have experience."

So anybody whose experience [according to Jim's arbitrary and imaginative view] is inferior to Jim's then, therefore has, ipso facto, an INFERIOR OPINION TO JIM's...

GOT THAT? Might it be true....???

Explicitly, this inferior group, according to Jim, includes Ray Jardine,.. We await the various published accounts, biographies etc. for both Jardine and Jim....that are doubtless forthcoming from publishers.

In addition to Jardine, this inferior group, by implication, also includes the "Little People" as they are sometimes known. Perhaps these are the vast number of people to whom James addresses himself, as the true Populist that we all hunger for.

Regardless, once can suppose that James has some very short list of people in his head, that he approves of for advise.

But mainly I think, he has some narrow ideas, that are based on his narrow interpretation of his own personal experience, which is doubtless significant. Unfortunately his thinking is also based on something else, that perhaps nobody at all, including James, fully understands......
JIMS adds, helpfully, that it's ....."just my $.02 cents." .......