No one has recommended a specific stove because your question is not very specific. It depends on your exact needs and priorities. Decide which of these is most important to you. Can't have all of them in one stove.

Weight. What is "too heavy"? For some one ounce is too heavy.

Capability. Do you want Cordon Bleu cooking or do you just want to boil water?

Capacity. Will this stove serve many or just you?

Cost. You can spend 40 cents to a couple hundred dollars.

Fuel availability. Any stove will last 6 days if you carry enough fuel.

Type of fuel. Alcohol? Liquid gas? Canister? Wood burning? Solid fuel? Each has its own advantages and limitations.

Reliability. An alcohol stove will never let you down. No jets to clog. But it has other limitations.

Environment for use. Cold weather? Windy? Some stoves are better than others in certain situations.

Confused? Sure. Everyone is at first. But once you nail down your exact needs the picture will become much more clear.
If you only travel on sunny days you will never reach your destination.*

* May not apply at certain latitudes in Canada and elsewhere.