Size matters in wrestling. It's much less a factor when your fighting hand to hand for your life. Speed and accuracy, knowing how to dodge and duck, knowing how to injure someone, ripping, biting and slashing when grabbed, these make a difference then. There are lots hurt and dead big guys that have learned that too late.

A hard kick to the knee will slow down most big guys instantly. Take your choice, they're usually both bad. A thumb poked deep in the eye socket is pretty debilitating too. After that you can pretty much have your way with them, I don't care how big they are.

I'm a small guy, 145 lbs, big guys don't scare me, I've always been small. You learn to compensate. I've known some pretty tough women, and I've known some pretty mean women too, I know they never gave a thought to how big a guy was when they started whupping up on them, especially when is was for self defense.
