Not that I use my guns much, I worry more about am I going to get arrested for transporting a gun correctly and how do I get it from point A to point B legally? I understand now, at least in Kalifornia, the gun and ammo have to be separate, like gun in vehicle and ammo in trunk or back of truck. I don't have to worry about keeping a weapon away from children since I don't have any.

At what point can you shoot someone, someone is in your house, you can't just shoot them until you feel your life is in danger. Over on TT, The Backpacker, Prosecutor had a good post about if you shoot someone, even in the right, don't say anything, let them haul you away and call your lawyer. I can't remember what he said you could say in a few words to the cops, but whatever it was, they would respect you for it, at least if you were in what appeared to be in the right.

Even though I have been around guns since my teens, I haven't been hunting or target shooting enough to feel like a man among other gun toting men. I guess it all comes down to experience, feeling comfortable with a weapon.

In the late 70's, I made friends with a couple guys who grew up hunting and the few times I went out hunting with them, when we flushed a bird, they had a shot off before I had my shotgun off safety. I got the bird a couple times, when they missed, I got the second go round in.