Jason, pretty funny.

However, I must point out a couple of things. IMHO (oh, the irony of it all), the golf analogy doesn't quite work. It's more like "I need a car, what should I buy?" or "I want to go to Europe for a week, what should I wear?"

The whole viral marketing thing annoys me too. Sometimes it is hard to spot if done right. We usually can spot it here, but on occasion, some probably gets by. It probably works better in person where the usual distraction is a hot model type with some gizmo in his or her hand they are showing off to their "friends," aka accomplices.

This is most insidious when an EPK (electronic press kit) is sent out by someone like a drug company or the goverment and is presented as if it was a real news story. Our local stations here in LA show them on a regular basis during local newcasts. After a while, you can spot them. Propaganda masquerading as news is a lot worse than a fake post for camping gear.
Don't get me started, you know how I get.