As for those hard polycarbonate baby bottles.....I have just this to say:
They saved my child's life when he was born. Ford who is 10 1/2 now was born premature and to small to nurse. Preemie bottles of 2 & 4 ounce size were made of polycarbonate. Did I even blink? Would anyone? Rather I went out and stocked up.

Would I use them again if needed? Yes I would.

I have noted on many, many threads on these topics you have more pressing issues in your lives than this. And so many other things that can be harmful to our life..... (How about cutting back on sodium first and knocking down your risk of silent high blood pressure? How about going vegetarian and lowering your risk of colon cancer? How about not living in a tightly sealed house? Not driving a car?)

There is a risk with EVERYTHING we do in life. If you are using something a couple times a year, so be it. Change the things that affect you DAILY first.
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