I think this must be a different product. This is made by Wausau paper under the Eco Select brand. On the package it says "Pre-Moistened All Purpose WIPES, 100% biodegradable in 21 Days*" where the asterisk refers you to the back where it says "Certified tested in lab using ASTM D 2020-92 test method B, verifying complete compostability. Soil burial test results Showed Eco Select 100% Biodegradable Wipes totally degraded in 21 days."

It also claims to be fragrance free.

Now I know that there's soil and then there's soil. I grew up in New Mexico and went backpacking in New Mexico and Arizona and I learned first hand that the desert will preserve nasty stuff for years, buried or no. I've seen newspapers from years back you could still read out in the desert. So I would never believe that either this product or any other would degrade in the desert. Nothing to do in that case but pack it out. But now I live and hike in Missouri where the moist climate makes it a different story.