Badger for me too. I wish it was lighter, but it is the warmest most comfortable 15 degree bag ever. I'm NOT big, five nine one fifty five. I love the extra room, can layer clothes, spin around, but most importantly: There is more. I use it unzipped with my wife with a piece of ripstop (epic it so happens) pinned under it. It's not the lightest one person three season, but may be the ligtest two person three season that is plenty warm to 20 degrees (have not gone lower).
Wait, there is more.
I can slide my WM Iroquois or my TNF Beeline inside it without losing loft on either= Full on winter bag.
Do I want a bag for every occation? Of course. Can I have one? No. The badger serves so many purposes, and most importantly is soo comfortable and sooo warm.

Other bags I have used and don't think are as good.
Ultralite (too tight, the down compressed against my butt when I side sleep. top quality.
Iroquois-I love it, perfect warm weather bag, unzipped as a quilt. Just so nice. However, it's not warm enough for me (cold sleeper) in the high country in summer. I could make it work but it's not perfect.
Mountainsmith Vision-That was a great bag. 2 Lbs, plenty warm, 3/4 zipper. Probably should have kept it.
TNF Beeline- Great bag. Comfortable, only 19 oz. Great solo bag but also can't handle high country for me. Because no zipper it has less range than the Iroquois, although it is lighter. I end up using it for my daughter. I fold the bottom inside for 4 layers of Uber warmth.
TNF-propel-Not warm enough-otherwise very nice
TNF Fission-Warm, nice light, too tight. Might be my choice for solo Lost Coast Hike in spring (Rain)
Golite Fur 40 degree two person quilt-
Actually we love this thing, great desgin, relaly great design with curved shoulders,middle falp[ to keep out drafts and zippered foot box (Way ahead of its time) but it weighs more than the Badger and isn't as warm. Nough said.It only comes whe we are near the car.
WM Highlite-Too tight, no full zip, not warm enough for me. What a nice piece of kit.
Helium EQ-This was a really nice bag. Also should have kept it. Full zip was the best part. I don't need a waterproof bag.
Lithium-Ah, now this was the closest thing to reaching the comfort and warmth of my Badger. With a full zip it would probably be the single best bag. However, slightly too warm for summer.

I have a Santa Cruz Down works Gore Tex bag from the eighties that I like alot. Don't need the goretex but I love the full wrap-around zipper, the quality is tops, and it has unique design elements I like (can be a flat quilt) I want them to make my next bag. It will be a 15-20 degree two or so pound with 64 inch shoulder, and some thin microfiber.

Othr bags I'm intrigued by:
Golite Ultra 20. come on, that just looks like it.
Jacks-R-Better Quilts _they look like alot of bag(quilt) for the money money
WM Alpinelite
WM Versatlite
All Valandre (Cost) Also, the ones I sw at rei were not as nice as I imagined they would be. Not equal to WM fom my limited evaluation.