Bearpaws Fiancee' your wife has it right. Only thing is in that time of the 3 B's , I am constantly making sure the phone is handy, and that I am not too relaxed in case something comes up and need to drive. But his hiking gives me extra sleep time and cuddle time with the resident teddy bears in the bed.

On the flip side.....I think Bearpaw has a bit of fun when he takes me hiking with him. Weird things happen when you hike with a clutz....sometimes funny..sometimes not.

I still get a good giggle when I think about going to get water from a nice flowing waterfall at little falls at the virgin falls pocket wilderness. I got water, and I slipped and fell in while getting the water.......then there was the stuck turtle problem...on the same hike. I learned that day...always make sure there is a stepping spot on the other side when crawling over a huge tree..I looked like a beached turtle stuck on top of a fallen tree.

Edited by Sleepswithskunks (03/12/08 12:16 PM)
Gads...the smell....nope, it's not Bearpaw...just another skunk checking out the camp.