Two other quick stories I'd somewhat repressed:

My first encounter was when one wandered into the vestibule of the tent a buddy and I were sharing. Very much a "now that we've got it, what do we do?" moment. When whispered "shoo"s didn't work, I raised an arm to sit up and brushed against the nylon wall. The "whoosh" sound got his attention and he quickly wandered off - without leaving a "memory." We got lucky, I think.

The other is another Scout Camp story. We had just grown the troop to a third patrol: a bunch of Webelos we had crossed over a few weeks earlier. We warned them about cleaning up after supper and securing all the food and cook gear since we knew skunks and/or raccoons were likely to visit. Naturally, they listened attentively - and promptly decided that going to play Frisbee was more important. An hour or so later, we scoutmasters heard a big hubbub down in the new patrol's campsite; we quick-stepped down to see, though we knew what had happened. I arrived just as one boy raised a shovel over his head and said, "Let's klong that skunk with this." I grabbed the shovel handle and said, "Let's not." Again, the skunks were habituated; they ate their fill and left (I swear one looked back and smirked.) For the rest of the week, that patrol had a shipshape patrol site.

Good times, good times.