I kicked a skunk one July night.

I had my troop at Boy Scout summer camp. We made a big deal of not using flashlights unless absolutely necessary (this was in the days before long-lived LED lights; we were trying not to spend the whole treasury on batteries.) So, when I headed for the latrine on a half-moon night, no lights.

Felt this soft "thud" and almost tripped. I looked down, and saw white - the stripe of the skunk I just kicked. It looked up at me as if to say, "I'll really be glad when all you guys go home for the winter." Didn't get sprayed or anything - I guess 3 months of Scouts everywhere had pretty much habituated the local wildlife.

This other time, at ban...er, Scout camp, I was showing off, sleeping under the stars, and had a skunk start sniffing the foot of my bivy sack. A little wiggle of the feet, and it decided I was harmless - or witless, or whatever.

Gotta love skunks. From a distance. Or in cartoons.