The Backpacker. Trail Talk. Not many, but at least one guy has a chip on his shoulder about MSR. They go back and forth. http://www.thebackpacker.com/trailtalk/ Here, you will have to look for the thread, sorry. Thanks for the input, the MSR filter is small and light.
It looks like to me one of the posters had a bad experience with the MIOX and therefore took out his wrath on anything that was black and red or with the letters MSR. He called the Hubba tent "cumbersome and heavy". This sounds like a guy who has a serious chip on his shoulder. Misery always likes company.

To be frank, Cascade Designs is one of the few companies in the world that tests as much as they do. They are not perfect by any means, but their first priority is to have product that does what it says it does. They have invested everything, including their entire history in the outdoor market, to this end. They search the world for the latest in technology bringing it to the general public in practical, affordable products. It is incredibly difficult to be innovators. For one, no one has done it before which means that it might not work (thus our extensive testing). Two, we put ourselves up for intense scrutiny. There is very little room for error in the world of innovation. Three, we have to develop our own manufacturing on all new products we produce. The hardest part is not developing a new product, but in manufacturing it.

Thank goodness there are companies like Cascade Designs who are willing to step out on a limb and bring to market new, innovative products. How boring would it be if everyone copied everyone else (which goes on way too much)? Luckily we aren't the only company who is dedicated to innovation.

The new HyperFlow will be worth checking out when it comes to market (around May). It does have it's limitations, but for the environment and purpose it was intended for, there isn't a better product.

I hope I didn't come across as arrogant (as I reviewed what I wrote, I did get that sense). Cascade Designs is not free of making errors and has many areas where it could definitely improve both in product, customer service, reps, etc. We all have room for improvement. However, it is frustrating to me to read about false claims and statements in an area where we put a tremendous amount of effort.
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