wild bill-
i've had the best luck with "Muttluk" brand dog boots. My previous dog liked to "spin his wheels" on rock and pavement, so torn pads were common. I'd use boots on him when we were on extended hikes on hard surfaces. I would put the boots on him for a couple hours, then off for a couple hours. i've used 3 other brands, but they didn't last. The muttluks would last a couple days that way- the leather can be patched with "shoe goo" or "freesole"
my current dog is smarter than to rip his feet up. however, he was feeling the heat while hiking in the desert, so he wore the boots (on & off like above) during much of our desert hike.

i don't have any fancy training hints with the boots, except treats, treats, treats.

my daughter trains horses, and she has taught me a trick- introduce the item to the animal. if it worries them, wait until the animal relaxes. then remove it.

simple, right? not always for me, with my goal-oriented thinking. it is very hard for me to *stop* putting the boots on while the dog is cooperating. my nature is to stop when the dog fights. and that just teaches the dog to fight!

1. i combine her trick with treats. make sure you can handle to dog's feet. give the dog a treat every time you can touch the dog's foot, touch the nails, etc. this is the most important step. if you can't handle (truly manipulate) your dog's feet, do not try to put on boots.
2. make sure the nails are trimmed! treats!
3. start putting an old sock on the dog. treat! treat! dog boots are tight and sometimes pull on their toes. start with something loose.
4. when that's going well, switch to the booties.

the process will take many training sessions. be patient.

use lots of praise and treats!

when we get the boots on the dog, we start hiking right away- the dog has less time to fuss with his feet, since he's getting left behind! again, give treats when the dog walks along with you, and not fussing with his feet.

note: i wasn't into giving a dog treats, until i got my current dog. very dominate, and impossible to get his cooperation. treats did it! and you won't have to treat forever. use the treats until the process is smooth. then treat for ever other foot. then once for all 4. then only once in a while.

good luck. i hope this helps.
