According to your definition I am apparently a lurker as well as probably 99% of the people on this site (by your definition anyone who has been here at least one year would have to have 1825 posts...there are only a handful of people over 1000 posts that I know of). Sorry to get's just in my nature.

SIDE NOTE ADDED 2/15/08: I screwed the math all up as totempole points out in a post below, it should have been 260 per year. Not only am I analytical, but I also can't stand making errors so I just had to make things right.

Anyway, I probably post on average maybe 10 times a month. Why so few you ask. Well, I actually read posts on here everyday day during my lunch break, but I only like to reply to things in which I have direct experience. I also don't initiate many posts cause most of my questions have already been answered, and a quick search of the archives gets me what I need. A few other reasons I don't post much include:
-the same question being asked over and over
-I rarely like to retort with a quip on things as it doesn't really add much value
-I really don't spend that much time on here (15 minutes a day 5 days a week)

I also like to remain non-confrontational in the forums. As with everyone else I have strong opinions on God, guns, and a bunch of other stuff, but I don't see any value to voicing my opinion on those things in a forum. Those are the types of things I like to discuss in a more personal environment with people face-to-face.

I say all that just to let everyone know my philosophy on posting. Nonetheless, I do love being a part of this community. This is pretty much the only backpacking board I read (other than BPL) because it is a great place to hang out.

Edited by Berserker (02/15/08 08:39 AM)