Lots of good info coming up. Good observations Old Ranger. We don’t hike in the intense heat out here much. Either get out very early before sun up and be back in the shade by mid morning or go in late fall, winter and early spring in the lower desert like the Supes. The Supes will be murder in summer. This time of year, there are folks who do some pretty extreme hikes and backpacks. Me, I don’t go near the Phoenix valley. LOL summer is the time for the Sky Islands or other high country. It can get hot up there as well but not the oppressive valley heat.

As for sun shelter, I take my poncho and rig up some shade in the mid-day hours in early spring or late fall;

We go out from base camp to hike and photograph in the early or late hours.

We always dress in light supplex that will keep the sun off, hats and sun gloves as well. I like Rail Rider Weather pants as they resist abrasions from rocks and hooked thorns. I almost didn’t make it here. Don’t let this happen to you. My buddy brought me some water and revived me. She is a good friend to have out in the desert lands.

Paul, I see you are out in Texas. David Alloway, someone you may have heard of did a lot of his travel and his survival workshop in the Big Bend area I believe. It is good info for any desert.