It seems that everyone here is a Freezer Bag Cooker... I have already stumbled across their site, and loved it! Of course, this means that we'll have to get some sort of dehydrator, and that's out of the question for the moment. Until we can save up the money (as college students, it might take awhile), we will have to stick with less easy-to-clean methods.

I currently don't own a dehydrator and I'm going strong on FBC meals. I've tried out 3 of them and I don't need a dehydrator at all, although it would increase my options significantly.

You can buy instant rice at the grocery store, pouches of chicken, dried fruit like craisins, bullion powders/cubes, and all assortment of spices. From this and other grocery store fare I can put together (so far) 3 dinners, lunch (which isn't really FBC), and of course my traditional oatmeal breakfast. Eating oatmeal out of a freezer bag is so much easier, clean-up wise, than cooking oatmeal in a pot.

So, give a few recipes a try. Worst case is you will forgo some dried vegetables that you could otherwise throw in.
- John