So I've got a dilemma. Wait for the new, improved one and be like "those people" who waited all night outside the store for the iPhone only to watch the price tumble a few months later. Or go with the XTi that will be old hat -- but certainly better'n that old bonnet I been using.

I always wait until a products price line has dropped. Plus there is competition among sellers. I remember when the 4 head VCR came out. They were a $1,000.00. After a time there were many available and I think I paid 200. I was listening to Kim Komando on talk radio and she was saying that the $29.00 laptop is soon to come. Just give it some time and everything will be smaller, better and cheaper and eventually with more features and quality. Two years ago I paid $49.00 for a 1gig flash drive now you can get a 1 gig Mp3 player for under 10 dollars.
Enjoy your next trip...