I honestly don't care about the law in this instance. A leash on a dog in the wilderness is a danger to the dog. I understand the reason for the law -- because far too many people fail to train and control their dog.

A well trained dog is not a danger to other hikers and will not be wandering off chasing animals. Endangering the dog's safety for no reason beyond "it's the law" is being a poor owner.

I'll pay the ticket. It's a stupid law. A much better law would be that the owner had to demonstrate control of the animal at all times. But that would require our legal system be staffed by people capable of using judgement beyond answering a set of "yes/no" questions.

If you think that makes me a poor owner, so be it. But I guarantee if you ever see my dogs on the trail they'll be at my feet, in a proper heel. You can walk right by them a foot away and they won't even turn their heads to sniff at your trail when you pass.

Edited by Kopefire (07/10/05 03:50 PM)