when I was a younger man and being "confused" for a day without food or water in bad weather was "fun" and we toughed it out with skill alone, and no one was gonna come looking for us, we took pride in learning from our mistakes. Now I have turned 70 and if I don't turn up on time because I was befuddled or maybe I have to walk an extra ten miles out only I can't walk very far now, so if I had some other electronics on me like a cell phone, a rescue effort would be launched and public funds would be wasted because I was too proud to carry a "modern" gps and my cell phone has a gps anyway.

what I said was "map and compass navigation was designed for ships with full time profesional navigators and they determine how far they have come in which direction between fixes and then mark their new calculated position on a map. Just a map and compass will not get you unlost (in the middle of the ocean) unless you are in an area with obvious geography.

Now I can go five miles out of town on a dirt road with you blind folded and give you a map and compass and see if you can determine where you are or where home is, but you might recognise the area and get home after a few mistakes, the IS NOT "NAVIGATION".
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.