Safety pins, can come in handy for materials, clothes and as already mentioned by oregon mouse tents, zip ties packs, think of all thoes buckles and such. If your pack rips you are knackered, i have sat and sewed packs more than once.

Floss, i carry one of these everywhere in my wallet, stuff in your teeth is annoying. link strogly reccomend these.

Fire starters are a bit poncy unless you light your stove of it, I take lighters anyway, and if you can find enough stuff to burn you should be able to start a fire without starters.

Fak. I never see the point of these, medicines I can do without, and anti septic, if your cut is that bad evac out before infection sets in ! A bit of cream will not save you when your rolling around in the dirt ! I just take enough stuff Ie pads to cover any cuts to keep them clean.

Tp? You could always just beday your ass ? But tissues have so many more uses.

Head lamp, I use a coin cell head torch, batteries and torch weigh nothing, less than spare 3aaas

I like a powerbank and headphones for music as well as a camera.

Newer carried a compass as usually maps showed the terrain and i new where i was, UNTIL I went into the woods and got lost, i imagine any featureless area is the same.

My eventuallity pouch consists of a spare tin opener, file glue duct tape medical tape plasters sterile pads, cotton wool, zip ties, file for metal, pliers, washing up liquid mozzie rep, washing soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, dry wash, safety pins buckles, needles, thread, wire, lighters, usb for phone. Some i use regularly, some rarely, and some not at all, but the heavy stuff i use.