Thank you for all the information/advice, this has helped me greatly. It will definitely be a change from my past experience.

I've talked to my wife about what was said here, and she was actually excited to pack her own pack. She'll definitely be getting mostly new stuff, as she doesn't have any camping gear. Most likely this weekend we'll do a little bit of shopping.

I think the biggest learning curve for me, like most of you said, is to how to pack light. I usually am the one who plans trips like these, so I'm also the one who gets the supplies and gear. It would definitely make it easier on me, plus she'll learn quicker if she has to pack you own pack.

Food wise we have a dehydrator and already have meals made for our food storage, so most likely just bring that up with some other snack/non cook food. So, I don't think food weight will be too much of an issues, we'll see once we start weighing it all out.

It's been ingrained into me that you keep your group within shouting/visual distance as to not become separated. So, I never plan on being separated, but always prepare for it. Which could be counter productive when packing our packs. It makes sense that we pack our fears, and I'm probably packing mine with a little extra since I'm shiny.

I'll definitely look over the gear list and once we start putting our packs together I'll make another post asking about advice on it.

Thanks again!

Edited by Michael C. (03/16/18 01:10 PM)