Thank you to all the responses, I have learned a lot just by exploring some of the points brought up.

However, I think @wandering_daisy understood where I was coming from. I'm not trying to buy my first and last ever tent. I'm looking for something that will strike a balance between quality, cost, weight while also being forgiving/flexible enough for a beginner. It's my test run tent so to speak.

While I hate the idea of buying another tent, tarp, hammock whatever down the road, I recognize that inevitably I will buy something else once I know what suites me. Maybe I'll go full minimalist, or maybe I'll realize I can suffer a little more weight for the extra comforts / peace of mind with a heavier tent. I think it would be foolish to drop $600 or more now and then go back to the drawing board again in a year or two for another $600+ shelter.

However, I hadn't even realized using tarps by themselves was a thing and at first glance it seems very appealing. I'm still inclined to use a tent, however, as it seems more reassuring should I find myself in a heavy storm. And believe me, I'm not the type who will shy away from a trip due to a thunderstorm.

Edited by NickVonMO (04/21/16 05:52 PM)