Flea and tick season is just around the corner here, so it's time to get out the Insect Shield socks. Ticks seem to be most active as the weather starts to warm up. Fleas and chiggers are active all spring and summer. I find most ticks crawling up my legs, so I consider the socks to be the first line of defense. If they are really bad, I will add an insect shield T-shirt. I haven't seen the need to use treated outerwear. I do treat some of my clothes with Permethrin, but I prefer the factory treated socks and T-shirts. I doubt that Permethrin really penetrates polyester, so I don't have much faith in home treatment. Wool and cotton might be a different story, but I don't wear much of either in warm weather. Treating a ground sheet or the inside of a tent floor might be worthwhile, since they don't get laundered very often.