Yeah, permethrin is the most effective. I don't like it, but I'll be spraying a set of clothes with it here soon. It works pretty darn good for about a month, and you can wash your clothes several times and it still works.

BioUD is a natural plant based treatment for clothes. It has a somewhat strong odor. It doesn't smell awful, but it's there. It works good for about a week. They make a spray and lotion for your skin too, and the two of those together work very good if you (and those around you) can stand the odor. I'm okay with it, but my wife is not.

Given my druthers, I'd choose the BioUD. Permethrin is nasty stuff so I try to only wear my treated clothes when I'm outside with the ticks, and I get them off as soon as I'm inside. I may be a paranoid about that kind of stuff though. blush

"You want to go where?"