I was posting on another site on a thread that asked if people brought an axe when hiking. It was rather funny to hear the replies, because it was on a survival forum but in their hiking group.

I think the funniest one I read on the other forum is where the poster said that I wouldn't be able to build a cabin without an axe. That's why we pack a tent, so we don't have to build a cabin every night, and we can leave no trace. (Okay, I didn't make that reply, but I wanted to, lol).

There could be circumstances where an axe may be necessary, but I would think that's on a more specialized hike where one would know in advance. It's not really something that is a necessity. For hiking purposes, a good knife can be large enough to split wood with. It all really depends on the environment you're hiking into. Winter hiking, boreal forest... I can see an axe being very useful. When all the deadwood laying around is underneath 6' or more of snow, an axe would be worth the weight to carry. In the summertime, same area, probably not needed.