I'm 61 now, carry a UL pack, base weight close to 8 lbs., using quite a bit of cuben fiber gear and down. Week long trips, total pack weight will be around 22-24 lbs. depending on how much water I carry or a bear can. I have no bills, so I've been able to get quite a bit of newer gear, up to a point. I'm still clothing dumb. I tried a bivy and shaped tarp on my vacation last summer, did not care for the issue of trying to squirm into the bivy in the evenings, nor the wind blowing rain just inside the end of the tarp if due to slope, pointing the high end into the wind, sold them both, so back to a 19oz. tent (ZPacks Solplex). I had a 12 oz. (ZPacks Hexamid) two years ago but wanted a little more wind-thru-the-shelter worthiness, still don't have much space, but protected well from above and below now. I have a 3oz solo bug net from STS that I've used a few times, works nicely for when the weather is nice and no other shelter is needed, saving weight there. Unfortunately out West here, due to fire conditions about the time I go on vacation, I've been unable to utilize a alcohol stove setup for the last two summers and have had to bring the next best thing, a isobutane stove and small canister or one of my old classics, a MSR GK or whatever.