The biggest thing you can do to lighten your pack weight is not put as many things in your pack. It doesn't cost a penny either! It sounds like you have a good handle on that aspect.

The most important thing about backpacking is getting out there. Forums are places of discussion. What is there to discuss about backpacking? Where to go and what to bring. As a result forums often get bogged down in gear discussions. This can spiral out of control and make people think you have to bring expensive gear to backpack properly. Hogwash! You should spend what you need to get you out there. At the end of the trip evaluate your gear and how it worked out for you. Most importantly look at what gear you didn't use and decide if you should just not bring it next time (give a pass to your first aid kit).

Historically backpacking is a cheap hobby, there is no reason it still can't be.