I am planning on trying a return to some relatively tame backpacking at the age of 68. Depending on how it goes I may get more ambitious next year, health permitting.

The issues that I need to deal with are enumerated in the title of this thread. I have most of what I need in the way of equipment left over from when I last did some backpacking over 15 years ago. All of it was moderate to good quality gear back then. I loaded up my pack the other day with almost everything necessary in equipment and it weighs about 14 pounds with only a couple of items missing: a sleeping pad and a water filter. I have been investigating sleeping pads and haven't found what I want just yet. I have decided that I am going to use a Sawyer Mini as my water filter. My backpacking will be in warmer months in upstate SC so I don't need to concern myself with serious problems keeping warm.

If I decide to continue after this year then I have to give my equipment a serious evaluation. The problem is that as I look at the prices of what is considered the better equipment today it takes my breath away. Since what would be considered my base weight with my current equipment should come in under 16 pounds. While that is no where near what some folks consider ultra light or maybe even light weight, it does not seem to make me a total pack mule.

I figure I will soon learn just how well I am able to handle things with the equipment I have and the total pack weight I am faced with. But I have to wonder if I really need to concern myself with laying out a lot of money if I am able to handle what I have. Are there any other pack mules out there doing some reasonably serious trips of up to a week in moderate 3 season conditions.