I recently moved to Fairbanks, AK and my new job has allowed me to acquire the funds to finally take up a hobby i've only dipped my feet into. BACKPACKING! I looking for any advice or suggestions for gear you guys love. Things like packs, tents, sleeping bags and really anything you feel like mentioning. I have gone to my local shop and had a great time speaking with a worker there who gave me great advice. I walked around with a weighted Osprey Aether that felt very comfortable but have not yet made my mind up. This guy was working up the MSR "hubba hubba 2" tent which was $450 so i wanted to keep looking (but it seemed the lightest and best out of all he showed me). I've heard great things on the Patagonia Capilene 4 under layers for moderately cold weather. The RAB xenon rain jacket was said to be great too but I've yet to find either of these items in town to try on and see for myself. Just so you guys know i plan to do most of my backpacking in the summer with some shorter trips (1-3 days) in the fall and spring. One more specific question I have is on headlamps. I purchased a 160V Black Diamond headlamp. Is 160V enough? I know obviously the more volts the brighter and further you can see etc. but was is really needed from you veterans experiences. Thanks for the time guys I really do appreciate it! Happy travels.