Like Bill, I don't have any particular weight goal, I have what I call a "function" goal. By that I mean that I take along with me what I feel that I need and will use and nothing more (except some safety related stuff). I'm getting along in years so some of my "needs" would be classed as luxuries by those who are younger. At any rate, my determination of what I need is based on experience and on the current weather report, not on some arbitrary "ideal" weight proposed by others.

After I have decided what I need, then the issue of weight becomes a factor with the constraints of function being a deciding factor. As an example, I won't take a light sleeping bag to save weight and risk being cold at night, a good night's sleep is important to me. Or, I take a canister stove rather than an alcohol stove because I don't like fiddling around with alcohol and I like being able to turn the thing off. And, I don't take a chair along because it seems I can always find a tree or rock to lean against and I don't have to carry them, they are already there.

So, I guess I'm saying that you are on the right track with your gear: take what you need and ignore the critics.
May I walk in beauty.