I'm familiar with the Big Agnes Copper Spur 2, MSR Hubba Hubba (the old one, not this year's model, which has a few differences), and the MSR Carbon Reflex 2. All three are functionally about even - the decision would come down to how much your friend is willing to pay for how little weight.

The Copper Spur 2 and Hubba Hubba are considered freestanding; the Carbon Reflex 2 is not. As pointed out, none of these are truly free-standing, since the only way to deploy the vestibule is to stake it out. Also, with the rainfly on, they ventilate better if staked out. However, without the rainfly, both are freestanding.

I'm not familiar with the cottage offerings. I would think TarpTent would be a good place to start (Their old Rainbow 2 was not inherently freestanding, but as I recall could be made so using hiking poles.