Why did you decide to start backpacking?

To stay out longer than I could on day hikes.

What do you find most enjoyable about backpacking?

Being outdoors. Hiking. Sleeping outside.

What makes you the most nervous?

Other people. Thunderstorms.

What do (or did) you struggle with the most in terms making the decision to finally take up backpacking?

I didn't struggle with that. It was an extension of camping, then car camping, but those and backpacking are really about hiking for me.

What questions do you continually find yourself asking about backpacking?

Can I take the time?

What's the weather forecast?

What do you wish you had access to, but don’t?

Groves of Sequoia Trees. Really the entire Sequoia NF.

What do you find the most difficult about backpacking? (choosing gear/finding a trail/skills and techniques? things like that)

I don't struggle with that much. I use the gear I have and live near public land that's good for hiking and backpacking. I mostly go off trail. Acquiring skills was a joy for me. Still is. Having the chance to learn and practice is pure fun.

"You want to go where?"