DeLORME gadget it is. The two-way communication ability seals the deal. We'll allow other Boy Scout units to use it for a small donation, so that'll take care of the subscription fees. You can opt out any month you don't foresee a need and/or change your plan at will for 30 day minimum commitments. Some plans allow unlimited texting, so I'll let other units make that decision.

My "March 22" event was a heart attack on the trail. I'm not old enough, I don't have a family history and my eating habits don't warrant it, but it happened. Luckily I'd made an effort to get to the peak which allowed for a cell phone call to 911 by the Scouts I'd had along for a training hike. The Sheriff's helicopter buzzed us and dropped a couple of EMTs. I was pulled out with a Traverse Rescue Stretcher and whisked off to the local hospital. One-heart-stent-later and I'm good to go.

I'd made an effort to insure that my scouts were up on their orienteering. The EMT and 911 operator were all impressed with their ability to communicate their exact location and first aid skills.

We're on track for their 50 Miler in Tahoe this August. And I'm on track to do much more than that!
