Oh, my, no way I can make a choice here! I'll try for the top 5--subject to change the next time I visit another wilderness!

The Mt. Hood and Hatfield Wildernesses of Oregon are closest to home and therefore the ones I visit most frequently. The latter is in the Columbia River Gorge--it's great to know that much of the south side of the Gorge away from the highway is now protected.

The Bridger Wilderness on the west side of Wyoming's Wind River Range is a truly spectacular place to spend weeks.

Washington's Glacier Peak Wilderness.

OK, I need one more for the top 5, and that would be the Eagle Cap Wilderness in the Wallowas of NE Oregon.

Edited by OregonMouse (03/04/14 04:08 PM)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey