So I saw the Sawyer mini squeeze water filter and read what it removes from the water and I had a premature urge to hit the buy button...twice. Well anyway. I'm still waiting for them to arrive in the mail and I was watching some video's of this amazing new water filter and that's when I heard it!! This does not filter out virus...which I should have known from the start because its a filter not a purifier. So anyways. How common are viruses in the backwoods? I do most of my hiking and camping on the East Coast in the Adirondacks. If catching a virus is somewhat uncommon then I may just take my chances but if its a very real risk of getting seriously ill then I'm wondering about other options. I've heard about adding a few drops of clorox in a liter bottle of water to kill the buggies and the iodine tablets and whatnot. If I was to treat the dirty water per the instructions effectively killin' the little water borne bastards then would the filter filter out the taste of the iodine, clorox or other purifier? I'm also thinking of modifying it to take a 2 litter bottle and possibly hook it up as a gravity filter. Any thoughts, ideas, criticisms on what you would do and what could be done to help keep me from dying from drinking the water of the forest?