Well you came to the right place for advise. You might want to edit your post with a little additional info so the folks here can get you started. Things like your experience level, total pack weight, physical condition and miles traveled might help.

Some folks really take to sleeping out. After beating myself up hiking all day smile I can literally sleep in tree. As a kid bow hunting I have fallen asleep upright on a stumps and logs and while in a tree stand (which is VERY dangerous in more ways than one). Its at home now that I don't sleep worth a dang. On the other hand my wife at times doesn't fair as well and she is by no means a 'Princes'. Just that she's a lite sleeper and she dreams about bears sometimes shocked
Now being cold is one thing that will keep me and probably 99% of folks from a good night sleep.

As far as a pillow, yeah I would love to have a better set up too but Im not going to carry anything extra, yet. In cooler temps I will take my down puffy sweater and stuff it in my bag hood. That actually works pretty nicely. In warm weather I have tried and failed with clothes and stuff sack. I can usually back roll the hood of my bag to get just enough support for my neck.

Being sore well now IMO that's conditioning or just dang old age in some instances. To save face I blame it on Genetics sometimes cause otherwise my already ever shrinking ego gets blasted when a delightfully pleasant 20 yr. older than me hiker blows by me like I am staked to the trail frown

good luck, jimmyb