I fully agree with everything said in the previous posts. I remember the incident you were talking about, Jason - you were poorly treated, in my opinion, and I for one have really missed you. I hope you'll start participating again; yours was a valuable input, and since you always made it clear you were not totally impartial, I had no problem evaluating the information you gave us.

I've been through a similar thing lately regarding politics. My mother and my brother-in-law have, shall we say, a blind spot regarding the President; let's also say my own positions don't precisely align with theirs. So, they started bombarding me, incessantly, with all the derogatory email they could: "Obama isn't an American," "Obama won't salute during the national anthem," and the one that broke the camel's back: a "joke" that compared Michelle Obama to a primate. Strange, though, nothing about Boehner's "suntan" (which is another pointless issue.)

I told them both that I enjoyed discussing the problems this country faced with them, but that we hadn't really done that in a while, and that I didn't have time to waste on character assassination and trivial insults that didn't further the conversation. I also told them that, if I received another such email from them, I would block them on my email.

Guess what - no more garbage. smile