Don't worry Glenn, I didn't think of you as that "someone". grin I personally don't have anything against bringing a chair. I just don't. Case in point; Couple of years ago a ran across this guy doing cross country in the Sierra Nevada Mtns. We decided to keep each other company that night and setting up camp he wipped out his chair kit (I have NO clue what make it was). He then proceeded to explain that for him, having this chair to relax in at the end of the day was the difference between him feeling refreshed in the a.m. or having to force himself out of bed. Definitely seemed lighter than the bear canister (about 2.5 lbs) I was using as a chair at the moment. He is about my age and I say good for him for still being able to get out there and enjoy himself.

Packing for a backpacking trip is sort of like a negotiation with one's self as to how much weight you are willing to carry and what is "essential" for you on the trip. A balance of sorts is needed to be reached between weight and enjoyment of the trip. Hiking along the JMT this summer, I came across a group that found a solar powered getto blaster essential. Loud, and a bit annoying, but apparently essential. A chair's GOT to be lighter than that.

I will say this though, ask me again in 10 more years.