Most of the "cottage" (small or one-person) gear manufacturing firms will work with you when you order and will allow returns. Just be sure to check their return policies carefully. That's also where you'll find the lightest and most innovative gear. For the most part, you won't find them in the stores.

For a pack, the important thing is to have all the rest of your gear on hand, plus the equivalent of a week's food and a day's water, before you order. That way you can load up the pack when it arrives and take a "hike" around the house for a couple of hours for a good test of the pack while it's still returnable. Of course you're out the shipping cost, but having a lightweight pack that fits you is worth it even if you have to return several paks before finding the right one for you. You should do the same when trying out packs in the store--go at an uncrowded time or make an appointment, taking the rest of your gear with you. Using weights or sandbags is just not the same--another of the many reasons for buying your pack last.

Check out the articles on the home page of this site, left hand column, for lots more tips on gear selection.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey