Lori, I don't think it is accurate and it is certainly prejudicial and elitist to categorize all JMT through-hikers as "clueless". You may see them (us) as clueless but, in fact, you are saying more about you and the way you see the world than you are about the highly diverse group of people who choose to hike the JMT for whatever reason.

I'm hiking the JMT again in a couple of weeks. This will be my third JMT through-hike; my first was in 1954. I certainly don't think of myself as clueless and furthermore, I don't think that you are in a position to judge me or any of the other people who wish to hike this scenic national treasure. Sure, some of the JMT hikers are "clueless"; others have decades of experience hiking all over the world. I am sure that we JMT through-hikers will have a memorable experience on the trail in spite of your disapproval.
May I walk in beauty.