I thought of another one today:

Get everyone started on trail at the same time:

Sometimes in a group there will be one or two people who are particularly slow to get started in the morning, so that the rest of the group is left waiting around (sometimes in cold and/or rainy conditions with their tents and sleeping bags already packed up). A suggestion here is that rather than agree as a group on a particular time to wake up in the morning, agree instead on a particular time to get started walking on the trail. That way, everyone can decide for themselves when to wake up. In this context, if a person is significantly late, just ask them to set their alarm clock a bit earlier.

What’s a good alarm clock? Many people carry a watch with an alarm function, and might even know how to use that function (!). But many (most?) watch alarms aren’t very loud, so a good idea to keep it near to your head at night. Better, perhaps is an alarm clock smartphone app. These are available for free, and can start out at low volume, increasing the volume gradually, so as not to jar the person or annoy others. If neither of those options work for your laggard, poll the group to find out who wakes the earliest and ask them to wake this person the next morning.

Note that as leader you could also ask people to bring some sort of “alarm clock” function with them, and this is a particularly good thing to do if you anticipate very hot weather --- a really good idea in such conditions is to wake up a little before dawn, eat and pack up using headlamps, and start hiking as soon as it’s light enough to see the trail a few feet ahead of you. That way, you maximize use of the cool morning weather.
Brian Lewis