The issue begins with "what is a trail runner?" REI currently lists 33 mens trail runners. With casual review I'd guess a third of them wouldn't stand up to a week's use. OTOH, several of the Salomans look well-suited to the actual rigors of the trail, avec backpack.

"Men's hiking shoes" under the boot category yields 28 matches and while there's a bit of overlap with the previous, a higher percentage appear trail-ready.

To be fair, there are lots of actual off-pavement runners who don't have overnight loads and their needs are a good deal different than those of backpackers. But since my pack and I are north of 200 pounds, I place very different demands on my shoes.

BTW, Road Runner Sports lists 85 men's trail runners!
Part of the problem for the shopper stems from a proliferation of choices. A decade-plus ago, the default starting point was the NB 80#-series, much beloved by PCT thru hikers. Today not only is there no consensus choice, there's no majority or even plurality. I guess that's a good thing, but it makes shopping a challenge.

A final tip: if you find a shoe you REALLY like, by a spare pair or two, because it will be discontinued or "improved" to where it no longer fits your feet.
