Another "teaching point" (the best teaching occurs in-context):

There are of course variants on this, but assemble two groups of 2 or 3 people each, and each uses a different technique to bear bag --- perhaps one does PCT method and the other uses Counterbalance. You do the minimum to tell them how to do this, they use their own materials. Then get together afterwards to look at the results and --- in a friendly, supportive way --- “critique”. Ask which method they like best and why. Ask how bear proof they think the results really are (given that black bears can for the most part climb trees a lot better than we can), keeping the “8 feet up and 4 feet out” rule of thumb in mind (noting that some sources suggest even more distance either up or out from the tree trunk).
Finally, if this is something you can and are inclined to do, consider then properly deploying an Ursack plus odor proof bag to show how much faster and easier that is to do, even if it’s dark out, regardless of what sort of trees are available.
Brian Lewis