I don't know where I ran across this one, but I've seen it suggested several times that the "Big 4" (pack, shelter, sleeping bag and pad) should be 50% of base pack weight (that means everything except food, water, fuel). Everything else (except food, fuel, water) should make up the other 50%.

I soon learned that my big problem in weight was not the "Big 4" but the "everything else"! Not only was it several pounds more than my "Big 4," but it was a lot harder to cut weight. Instead of saving a pound or two per item, it was half an ounce here and a tenth of an ounce there.

Depending on number of days, frequency of water sources, weather and how much you eat, the "consumables" of food, fuel and water could easily equal the base pack weight. Maybe more if you are traveling in the desert and hauling a couple of gallons.

Like all "rules," there's a considerable element of HYOH and YMMG (Hike Your Own Hike and Your Mileage May Vary)!

Edited by OregonMouse (03/06/13 06:53 PM)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey