I have a WordPress blog where I like to read posts related to Great Smoky Mountains National Park, hiking, etc. Last night I stumbled onto this post: Politic

You do not have to read the link above, it basically said Blount County Commissioners have recently said they opposed the backpacking fees. Uh, what? Wait, so you decided to wait to AFTER the fees were enacted to express your opposition?

Here another link with the date of September 5, 2011 discussing the fees being considering: Public Process .

I find it fascinating and odd at the timing of the people opposing it in the first link, when this was first announced in 2011. I found out about it in April of 2012, but still.. All this time the Park Officials had the process open, they wait until after it gets enacted? The local Commissioners must be bored with their job.....

Edited by ETSU Pride (02/26/13 09:41 AM)
It is one of the blessings of wilderness life that it shows us how few things we need in order to be perfectly happy.-- Horace Kephart