Colonel Dryer here. grin What part of Ky?

Back country ham radio is one of my main reasons for going out and solar proved to be the least efficient means of charging. You need to be still, in sunlight, have gobs of surface area on the collector, with it pointing South. Even thought about making a parasol (i hike with one) coated with flexible PVC's but never built it....costs a fortune.

I haul small lithium and AGM batteries when I need power for gear or re-charging something like a phone. I've wrestled with this "charging while hiking" thing for a decade. There are many ways to charge a small battery while stationary, including static, solar, wind, Peltier devices, even a small steam turbine powered off your stove...but while hiking is a different animal.
Enter the "kinetic generator". You've seen them in those fancy shaker flashlights. They are actually quite easy to build if you are handy. Something like this:

I aim to build my own from lighweight materials as the one referenced above is 14oz....heavy compared to a bank of lithium cells. But, using aluminum wire, and really efficient rare earth magnets, I think I can get the weight down to half that. I've built super tiny ones for powering an LED light and they work really well. Google "kinetic generator charger" and see if anything grabs your attention.

paul, texas KD5IVP